Follow along at home:
The following is based on the docker images and dotnet core application located at the repository here
Getting started:
To begin with, start up the docker container:
make llvm
Then when in the container, build the solution and start the lldb debugger
make d-build-debug
make d-llvm-method-breakpoint
Once the program has started up, get a list of the clr stack with registers:
clrstack -r
We will see the Child SP
and the IP Call Site
Using the IP Call Site
, call ip2md
to get the address of the method descriptor for the currently running instruction.
ip2md 00007FFF7CE92690
This gives us a lot of useful information including the Class
, MethodTable
, Module
and CurrentCodeAddr
(lldb) ip2md 00007FFF7CE92690
MethodDesc: 00007fff7cf3ff60
Method Name: console.Program.GetTicksElapsed(Int64)
Class: 00007fff7cf81dc0
MethodTable: 00007fff7cf3ff88
mdToken: 0000000006000002
Module: 00007fff7cf3db98
IsJitted: yes
Current CodeAddr: 00007fff7ce92690
Version History:
ILCodeVersion: 0000000000000000
IL Addr: 0000000000000000
CodeAddr: 00007fff7ce92690 (MinOptJitted)
NativeCodeVersion: 0000000000000000
Source file: /work/source/own/test_debug/Program.cs @ 19
Then, if we want to look at all the methods in the object associated with this table, we can dump the method table at the address of MethodTable
(lldb) dumpmt -MD 00007fff7cf3ff88
EEClass: 00007FFF7CF81DC0
Module: 00007FFF7CF3DB98
Name: console.Program
mdToken: 0000000002000002
File: /work/source/own/test_debug/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/test_debug.dll
BaseSize: 0x18
ComponentSize: 0x0
DynamicStatics: false
ContainsPointers false
Slots in VTable: 7
Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 0
MethodDesc Table
Entry MethodDesc JIT Name
00007FFF7CE80090 00007FFF7C48C728 NONE System.Object.Finalize()
00007FFF7CE80098 00007FFF7C48C738 NONE System.Object.ToString()
00007FFF7CE800A0 00007FFF7C48C748 NONE System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
00007FFF7CE800B8 00007FFF7C48C788 NONE System.Object.GetHashCode()
00007FFF7CE8BEA0 00007FFF7CF3FF78 NONE console.Program..ctor()
00007FFF7CE908A0 00007FFF7CF3FF48 JIT console.Program.Main(System.String[])
00007FFF7CE92690 00007FFF7CF3FF60 JIT console.Program.GetTicksElapsed(Int64)
In the column JIT
we can see that our two methods in our application have been JITT-ed at runtime, whereas other methods that are part of this object have not been.
Tracing an object back to it’s ancestors
From dumpmt
, we can see the value EEClass
which is the address of the descriptor for the object console.Program
If we then run dumpclass
on this address we can see more info about this class.
(lldb) dumpclass 00007FFF7CF81DC0
Class Name: console.Program
mdToken: 0000000002000002
File: /work/source/own/test_debug/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/test_debug.dll
Parent Class: 00007fff7ce77fe8
Module: 00007fff7cf3db98
Method Table: 00007fff7cf3ff88
Vtable Slots: 4
Total Method Slots: 5
Class Attributes: 100000
NumInstanceFields: 0
NumStaticFields: 0
We can see the Parent Class
address here and Module
address. the Method Table
is the same as what we just saw.
Running dumpclass
again with the Parent Class
address this time, we can see what console.Program
is inherited from:
(lldb) dumpclass 00007fff7ce77fe8
Class Name: System.Object
mdToken: 0000000002000057
File: /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/3.1.1/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Parent Class: 0000000000000000
Module: 00007fff7c484020
Method Table: 00007fff7c48c798
Vtable Slots: 4
Total Method Slots: 5
Class Attributes: 102001
NumInstanceFields: 0
NumStaticFields: 0
This shows that parent.Console
inherits from System.Object
. we can also see that the name of File
has changed from our application to System.Private.CoreLib.dll
, indicating that it is a dotnet core framework library.
We can also see that the Parent Class
value is 0
indicating this is the base object of our application (and of the dotnet core framework library).
If program.Console
inherits from System.Object
, and our source code only has two methods, namely:
We would expect that the other methods shown earlier must be inherited from System.Object
. to verify this, we can run dump -MD
with the address of the Method Table
shown in order to do so:
(lldb) dumpmt -MD 00007fff7c48c798
EEClass: 00007FFF7CE77FE8
Module: 00007FFF7C484020
Name: System.Object
mdToken: 0000000002000057
File: /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/3.1.1/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
BaseSize: 0x18
ComponentSize: 0x0
DynamicStatics: false
ContainsPointers false
Slots in VTable: 9
Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 0
MethodDesc Table
Entry MethodDesc JIT Name
00007FFF7CE80090 00007FFF7C48C728 NONE System.Object.Finalize()
00007FFF7CE80098 00007FFF7C48C738 NONE System.Object.ToString()
00007FFF7CE800A0 00007FFF7C48C748 NONE System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
00007FFF7CE800B8 00007FFF7C48C788 NONE System.Object.GetHashCode()
00007FFF7CE80088 00007FFF7C48C718 NONE System.Object..ctor()
00007FFF7CE80078 00007FFF7C48C6E8 NONE System.Object.GetType()
00007FFF7CE80080 00007FFF7C48C700 NONE System.Object.MemberwiseClone()
00007FFF7CE800A8 00007FFF7C48C758 NONE System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
00007FFF7CE800B0 00007FFF7C48C770 NONE System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
Looking at the MethodDesc
table from the output does infact show the same method names and associated addresses:
00007FFF7CE80090 00007FFF7C48C728 NONE System.Object.Finalize()
00007FFF7CE80098 00007FFF7C48C738 NONE System.Object.ToString()
00007FFF7CE800A0 00007FFF7C48C748 NONE System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
00007FFF7CE800B8 00007FFF7C48C788 NONE System.Object.GetHashCode()
00007FFF7CE80090 00007FFF7C48C728 NONE System.Object.Finalize()
00007FFF7CE80098 00007FFF7C48C738 NONE System.Object.ToString()
00007FFF7CE800A0 00007FFF7C48C748 NONE System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
00007FFF7CE800B8 00007FFF7C48C788 NONE System.Object.GetHashCode()
Inspecting other components:
From our dumpmt
of console.Program
earlier, we can use the Module Address
to get more details about our application’s assembly loaded into memory:
(lldb) dumpmodule 00007fff7cf3db98
Name: /work/source/own/test_debug/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/test_debug.dll
Attributes: PEFile SupportsUpdateableMethods
Assembly: 0000000000691510
PEFile: 000000000068F7C0
ModuleId: 00007FFF7CF3E150
ModuleIndex: 0000000000000001
LoaderHeap: 0000000000000000
TypeDefToMethodTableMap: 00007FFF7CF279B0
TypeRefToMethodTableMap: 00007FFF7CF279C8
MethodDefToDescMap: 00007FFF7CF27A58
FieldDefToDescMap: 00007FFF7CF27A78
MemberRefToDescMap: 0000000000000000
FileReferencesMap: 00007FFF7CF27A88
AssemblyReferencesMap: 00007FFF7CF27A90
MetaData start address: 00007FFFF7E3F2CC (1540 bytes)
Then using the Assembly
address, we can dump the assembly details:
(lldb) dumpassembly 0000000000691510
Parent Domain: 000000000062d820
Name: /work/source/own/test_debug/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/test_debug.dll
ClassLoader: 0000000000721890
00007fff7cf3db98 /work/source/own/test_debug/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/test_debug.dll
Well, that was fun. I hope you enjoyed following along!